Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The girls and I made paper hearts as party favors for a certain surprise birthday party

The partying ladies! The whole "surprise party" was a new idea, but they loved it!

Part of our team warming up at the Navobi Charity Cup last week

Idy (Nigeria) and Heidi (Finland)

Lovely ladies + Dragos
(counterclockwise from right: Lilian, Tse-tse, Oge, Dragos, Luci, Charmaine)

Friday, November 7, 2008

If you have self-control, you'll find there are a lot of situations you'll never end up in because you made wise, restrained choices on the front end. --Nancy Leigh DeMoss

Monday, November 3, 2008

The Photographic Evidence

Second attempt. Much better. :P

Rag curls!

My lovely scarf from Phyllis!

Quail eggs for anyone who so desires...

I think some Romanians feed their chickens red food coloring...