Friday, May 30, 2008

I'm here...wherever that is.

I made it as far as Pennsylvania, by the grace of God. It began well...except for two minor details. A miscalculation on my part had left Thea stranded at work with no car.

No big deal.

Mom, dad, and I planned to drop her a car when we drove through on our way to the airport at four-thirty o'clock in the morning. It was a quarter till five when we finally left, Mom and I in Thea's car and dad following with the luggage.

My glasses were packed and my contacts malfunctioning, so I was riding blind, guessing at what we might be passing. We bumped along past the Stettin elementary school, but my eyes were fixed on two strange lights in the ditch. Decorations? Or signals?

When he pulled out and turned on the blue and red flashy lights, I realized what they were. Oops. It was a school zone, and Mr. Cop was hungry and bored.

Yeah, well, he was a very nice cop. When Mom told him that she was just trying to get her daughter to the airport on time, he waived the warning and let us continue on our way.

That was the first incident.

The second one I didn't actually see, but apparently my dad somehow got stuck in a revolving door at the Dallas-FortWorth airport.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Two random thoughts....

How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives.
~Anne Dillard

The only way you cannot witness to anyone this week
is if everyone you come in contact with is a christain,
and even then, you can't know that unless you talk to them.
~Pastor John Someone IBC

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Do Hard Things

Today's hard thing: keep it under 50 lbs.

Problems encountered: will I be able to get it shut? what if I can't? what does 15 lbs. of clothing look like?

Solutions: I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!

Friday, May 23, 2008

Last night the ladies got together for one last time before Michelle leaves for Romania. We had tea, scones, chocolate and good conversation! Thanks so much for the encouragement, Mrs. Lang!

Monday, May 19, 2008

The vision must be followed by the venture. It is not enough to stare up the steps - we must step up the stairs.

Vance Havner

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Happy Birthday, Thea!

Yet another of us has graduated from teenagerhood. ¡Felicitaciones, hermanita mia!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


"I drive hunched over like a grandma."

"Yeah, but I'm more of a masculine driver." *emphatic pause* "I like grandmas."

"I like boys."


Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Sari's Version...

Kirsten's post inspired me to write a list of "Hard things+Small things" So, here goes......
(this is not necessarily a prioritized list)

Be more patient with the little guys

Be more faithfull in my music practising daily

Not wish for what other public-school girls have, because i know my live is much happier than theirs even though it may not seem like that sometimes.

Be more faithfull in my daily schoolwork

Be more faithfull in my mini exersises every day

Be more faithfull in my bible reading/memorizing daily

Be more faithfull in my journal writing daily

Be more faithfull in getting to bed early, That's all i can think of for now.........
(and that will be plenty to work on for the week)

Monday, May 12, 2008

a thought...

Doing Hard Things=Doing Small Things

Changing an overnight diaper on a squirelley toddler

Unwittingly stepping in a puddle of chicken soup (in the dark) that got spilled on the floor the night before...and not flipping out over it.

Waking up at 5:30 with 4 hours of sleep to study a really, really boring subject...

Going to bed on time. :)

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Content to be Single??

Song of Solomon 3:5

I charge you, O daughters of Jerusalem,

By the gazelles or by the does of the field,

Do not stir up nor awaken love

Until it pleases.

Last night I dreamed I had gotten married. I don’t remember much about it, bu my alarm rang at 6:30, jerking me back to reality. Rats! Why did that have to be a dream?
I woke up pleading with God to give me a husband. But instantly Isaiah 54:5 came to mind:

For thy Maker is thine husband;

the LORD of hosts is his name;

and thy Redeemer the Holy One of Israel;

The God of the whole earth shall he be called.

Who would make a better husband than my Savior??

Just this past month I've struggled with the thought of singleness. Before, I was perfectly happy to be in love with Jesus.
But now, I have to fight to keep my thoughts pure.
I've told God, "you can do anything you want with me..." and now I'm being asked to be content with singleness. And I fight it.

Can I do it?? Do I want to? Yes, and no.

If you would ask my emotions, they would say NO!!
But scripture, which ingnores emotion, says "yes, you HAVE to. Remember, you are not your own, you were bought with a price. So glorify God with your body! Duh, you stupid emotional person you..."

So, yes, I am (most of the time) content knowing that God's plan, whatever it is, is perfect for me.
Sometimes I wish I knew what that was...
Any thougts, ladies?

Tea Time!

On Saturday, LaReina, Kaitlyn, and I spent our last afternoon together. It was a memorable affair, complete with tea, scones, dress-up, and photos. It's very handy having a photographer for a brother.

A little eyeliner quickly converted Kaitlyn into an Indian, much to her delight.
LaReina: "We better wash it off before we go home. Mom and dad might think it's a bruise."
They didn't.

LaReina, content to be an American "fancy lady."

"I'm gonna miss you, 'Chelle."
Ain't gonna be one-sided neither.