Anyway, as history would have it, she grew up, she met some amazing people, and she moved over to Romania (or Urania, to some) to live with the Europeans for a year. But her family and her incredible friends from back in the States still miss her.
So, as a token of love and affection, several of these sweet little friends made a couple of super cute Valentine's cookies for her. Only problem being that the fair made was stuck in Europe, and the cookies were stuck in the United States. So...rather than sending a package, her family took a picture of these aforementioned lovely cookies, and one known as the older sister is now posting them for the benefit of a certain fair maiden, in hopes that she might view this photograph and know how deeply she is missed and how much she is loved:

Happy Valentine's Day (slightly belated), Michelle! We love you!
~Thea, on behalf of Kaitlyn, LaReina, Queena, and Jade