okay, okay...it was a two-part conversation that took place in the car...and it was funny at the time. driver no 1 drives like a grandma. Driver no 2 likes grandmas and drives like a boy. driver no 1 likes boys. driver no 2 was just as confused as you are. lol.
We are Christian young women who are in early teens to early twenties. We are at a turning point in our lives and want to see our sisters in Christ catch a fresh vision.
What we want to see is a generation of purposeful young women who passionately live for the glory of Christ and his Kingdom, wherever they are. Our desire is to give frustrated young ladies hope for the future and practical ideas for redeeming the present.
We have been burdened with and blinded by the cultural expectations placed upon us as young women, and each of us is questioning the authority of popular culture.
These are some of the problem areas we have identified in ourselves and in our peers:
1. Lack of vision 2. Lack of practical preparation for college, marriage, or singleness 3. Stereotypes the culture expects us to follow regarding beauty, success, and relationships with young men 4. Poor family relationships 5. Fear of the future 6. A lack of accountability relationships 7. Lack of role models 8. Failure to achieve goals 9. Unclear priorities
We want to encourage each other to 'keep on,' to be faithful in the small things, to not 'grow weary in well doing,' and above all, to pursue Jesus Christ wholeheartedly.
Christian Apologetics by Geisler The Evidence That Demands A Verdict by Josh McDowell The Case For Faith by Lee Strobel The Case For Christ by Lee Strobel The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis A Grief Observed by C.S. Lewis The Great Divorce by C.S.Lewis Miracles by C.S. Lewis The Abolition of Man by C.S. Lewis A Shattered Visage by Ravi Zacharias Can Man Live Without God? by RaviZacharias I Don’t have enough faith to be an Athiest by Norman Geisler God In the Dock by C.S. Lewis The Roots of Endurance by JohnPiper Don’t Waste Your Life by JohnPiper A Godward Life by John Piper He Gave Us a Valley by Helen Roseveare Digging Ditches by Helen Roseveare The Pursuit of Holiness by Jerry Bridges What’s So Amazing About Grace? by Philip Yancey Hells Best Kept Secret Amy Carmichael of Dohnavur Lords of the Earth by Don Richardson The Hiding Place Pilgrims Progress The Life and Diary of David Brainerd Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners by John Bunyan Holy War by John Bunyan 1776 by David McCullough Narrative of the life of Frederick Douglass The Light and the Glory by Peter Marshall When Character Was King by Peggy Noonan The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich Citizen Soldiers by Stephen Ambrose D-Day by Stephen Ambrose A Patriots History of the United States Common Sense and Other Writings The Federalist Papers How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie
I really don't understand this Chelle, Can you help me? ~Sari
Yeah, Chelle...enough of the cryptic posts already!!
okay, okay...it was a two-part conversation that took place in the car...and it was funny at the time. driver no 1 drives like a grandma. Driver no 2 likes grandmas and drives like a boy. driver no 1 likes boys. driver no 2 was just as confused as you are. lol.
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