And The Wagon. The one that every ACTS session takes pictures of.
Love. A couple of weeks ago now (maybe several, if I'm honest), we had the privilege of being taught by one Michael Turay of Sierra Leone. We talked about foundational principles of Christianity--who is God, who is man, and therefore, what is our response?
apple orchard against the ridge on a clear day. photo by kelley.
Love. A couple of weeks ago now (maybe several, if I'm honest), we had the privilege of being taught by one Michael Turay of Sierra Leone. We talked about foundational principles of Christianity--who is God, who is man, and therefore, what is our response?
In the discussion of who God is, we discussed 10 attributes of God, and one in particular--love--stood out to me in a profound way. In 1 Corinthians 13, the famed "Love Chapter," 16 aspects of God's love are mentioned just in verses 4-8.
(L to R: Hannah, Kara, Hanna, Caitlin, Shana, Michelle)
Love has no pride. True love, godly love, does not act out of a desire to please itself or to further itself--ever. It's primary goal in every situation, every relationship is the furthering, the bettering, of love's object. A bit abstract on paper, perhaps, but so profound in real life. When I'm in conversation, am I really listening because I care about you and I want to know? Or am I just waiting for a point that I can connect with so I can take over and talk about myself some more? Am I really serving because I want to please the Lord? Or am I just helping out so someone will notice what a servant's heart I have?
Love has no pride. True love, godly love, does not act out of a desire to please itself or to further itself--ever. It's primary goal in every situation, every relationship is the furthering, the bettering, of love's object. A bit abstract on paper, perhaps, but so profound in real life. When I'm in conversation, am I really listening because I care about you and I want to know? Or am I just waiting for a point that I can connect with so I can take over and talk about myself some more? Am I really serving because I want to please the Lord? Or am I just helping out so someone will notice what a servant's heart I have?
And through Him, we, too, can conquer.
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