Sunday, June 1, 2008

Since our parents left for the weekend, we have had to amuse ourselves. Of course, that wasn't too hard; it's never difficult to find fun when mom and dad are gone. *wink*

When the cat's away, the mice will play, you know! So, Sari and I packed a picnic and joined the boys at the park...after finishing the monstrous list that dad gave us to keep us busy and out of trouble; and being responsible babysitters, we accomplished the projects first and then went to play!

Andrew decided he wanted to be a man and pull the (heavy) giant cooler all the way back to the van when it was time to go home.

How glad I am that I'm not missing this! I love being involved in the lives of my younger siblings.
Our culture dictates that when a girl graduates from college or high school, she either has to a). get a job and move out, or b). get married. Or both. And of course, if you choose the latter and not the former, then the rest of the world nods and says, "good move! you're expressing your individuality and independence by moving out and having your own life..."

I'm not doing either.

And so I have struggled with the irritating question that graduates get asked all the time: "So, what are you going to do with your life?"

Well, after much prayer, tears and talks between friends, I have decided to love life, and live to its fullest. And be as productive as possible. I can think of so many things I would love to do between now and the time that Prince Charming comes by! That is, if he comes....

But I have decided not to mope about it. I'm going to be a Proactive Princess and DO things to prepare myself for singleness or marriage, whatever God may have for me.
Mrs. Lang wisely asked us an important question at the tea party:
"What you are passionate about? What do you find most fulfilling? So pursue it; do it well with the possibility of singleness in mind."
Well, I'm not exactly all-consumingly passionate about any one thing, but I do know that there are important things I should be doing and I am determined to accomplish them this summer. I talked to my mom about this and she suggested I learn to run the kitchen smoothly with a cleaning schedule, a follow-able menu plan and grocery list. So that's one of my summer projects.

One of my life goals is to be well-read. So I will be reading a lot. Not just for the sake of being educated, but because God has made a world to learn about! And I want to be able to hold my head up in educated circles. I will be continuing in my piano and voice practice; also, decorating and design is one of my interests, so I will finish the decorating of our house, which has never really been finished, although are going on our 7th year in Wausau. ha ha. And I want to learn Spanish, and graphic design, and, and....

What I'm trying to say, ladies, is that there is actually hope. You don't have to be languishing at home, or college, or wherever you are,waiting for something to happen. Just get up and do it! I am reminded of the quote by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.:

"If it falls your lot to be a street sweeper, sweep streets like Michelangelo painted pictures, sweep streets like Beethoven composed music, sweep streets like Leontyne Price sings before the Metropolitan Opera. Sweep streets like Shakespeare wrote poetry.
Sweep streets so well that all the hosts of heaven and earth will have to pause and say: Here lived a great street sweeper who swept his job well."

Happy Street Sweeping!!



Pam said...

Perhaps we'll have to have a biography book club once we are finished with our literary book club! Reading the lives of real live Christian heroes gives such vision to me! My favorite is Gladys Aylward but others are Mary Slessor, Elizabeth Elliot, Amy Carmichael, etc.! Oh my! We'll have to compile a booklist now!

Blessings -- you are doing WELL!

Michelle said...

Go, Te, go! me too!