Since the word 'submission' is often percieved as another word for 'doormat', it deserves a close examination. For those who may not have background, it is often thought that to submit is to blindly go along with whatever your authority wishes. But Submissive Competence is quite a different story. This phrase is designed to describe a daughter's place in the contrasted to a specific measure of dependence or independence.
a dictionary definition would be in order here:
competence: having requisite or adequate abilities, or proper and rightly pertinent.submit: : to defer to or consent to abide by the opinion or authority of another.So there we have it. Submissive competence, simply put, is
skill willfully placed under direction. What is meant by the phrase is that the daughter is to an extent "dependent" on the will of her parents, (by choosing to defer to their authority) but her dependence does not correspond to lack of ability. Well, not necessarily, anyway. Here is a more formal and broad definition:
"While having the necessary skills to live and act independently, that same independence is harnessed into a kind of interdependence with those placed in authority; earnestly seeking to utilize our skills within the scope of the will of God for His glorification."This also goes along with the concept of
Permissions, most graciously given to us by Mrs. Lang, and beautifully described by Thea right here:
"Permission" is literally "authorization," or "formal consent" to proceed with a given plan of action. It is inextricably linked to the concept of submission--we are willingly placing ourselves under the authority of another by seeking their authorization to pursue a given activity. However, it also includes the notion of respectful, regulated independence--that we are first seeking permission, or authorization, to act, but then we also take the initiative to pursue that course of action without being pushed/pulled by anyone. It includes the notion of competence--that we don't need someone to spoon feed us opportunities, but are capable of mustering some initiative and seeking some out on our own in order to explore the abilities with which God has gifted us...
Here's another thought, this one from Mrs. Kosobucki. She said this was a freshman lecture when she was in Bible college and it changed her life. Her professor put it this way: "Your to-do list, what you must accomplish, is your holiness obligation. Bills that must be paid, a job, responsibilities in the home, things that you have committed to, these are your holiness obligation. These are the things that you have agreed to accomplish before the Lord. Whatever is left when you have fulfilled your holiness obligation, whatever time, energy, resources, availability you have left is grace. This is what you use to go above and beyond, to reach out to those in need. You've met your obligation and found you have a free evening. That's grace that you can use to bless someone.
And another idea from Mrs. Flage: the concept of 'submission' is one of
mutual trust. It reminded me of the ever-impressive Proverbs 31 woman...“
The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her.” Another thought was that
feminine strength also comes into play here. “
She girds her loins with strength, and strengtheneth her arms. “ Feminine strength dosen't just mean that you can hop over a fence wearing a skirt. There's more to it-- and I think this could also be taken as emotional/mental as well as physical strength...Mrs. Proverbs 31 ain’t no weakling, let me tell you! She has enough to give emotionally and spiritually to others in need, without being a drain on others.
to sum it up: "Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is...but be filled with the Spirit, addressing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with your heart, giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,
submitting to one another out of reverence for Christ."Ephesians 5:16-21
~Kirsten, Thea, and Michelle